Stops moving then seems like it binds up. Latest fi

any updates on a fix yet?

I just tried the web interface. The wireless connection just spins and never updates. I still have the same problem. Does a circle then rocks back and forth a bit. Sounds like the motor is stuck then nothing. Oh and I’m in the same boat as some of the others. Not a single pattern has run.

Updated with the computer. Still the same issue where it stays on the outside

updated with my computer also and the same issue it binds up between the center and the outer edge of the “outside to in” spiral pattern

Any word on this fix being documented and published?

@tnaant @Bmwest12 @OasisJim @portero @Huble1am @deprezident @odinn @Chiefs1158 @Karen @jgpa109 @mburek @abeeson11

The repair instructions are now available here. Please let me know if this corrects the issue. As a reminder, this repair is optional, and you an also send to us to repair. For those of you who are comfortable, I think this will be a fairly straightforward process.

(If you’re tagged here you’re approved to try the repair)

will this also work if the ball is stuck in the center?

That is most likely a separate issue. Please open a support ticket with a photo so we can better assist. This tutorial is specifically for cases where the ball is circling the outside perimeter but can’t make it back to center.

I am still waiting for your reply in my email…do you want me to create a seperate ticket again?

Nope, just replied to your ticket

Okay. I see the instructions but who exactly are we suppose to reach out to? So that we don’t void our warranty

If I tagged you in the thread, you’re good to go.

Okay. Need to show my ignorance here. How do I know if you tagged me?

I did! If I included you in the list of people in the reply with the support article link then you’re tagged

Okay. Thank you! Lol. I think I may wait a minute for those more qualified to try it. I can do it easily but…

Not the most handy man but might be able to do this. Gonna wait till more confirm some one else fixes first lol

If I do attempt this and can’t fix it can I still send it in?? Just want to confirm before I attempt this

Yep, you can still send it in. Let me add that detail to the article.

So here is my question. I think what we are dealing with is a configuration gone crazy. My only question is will this fix it

I’m not entirely sure what you mean by configuration gone crazy. We do know what caused this, and we do expect this to be a permanent fix.