Ball reaches outside ring and then just goes round and round, no longer drawing

Received my unit today. Having fun but a bug has shown up. When the ball reaches the outermost ring, it starts just going around and around, no longer drawing the image. It’s well-nigh impossible to reset without turning the machine off[quote=“KimC, post:1, topic:816, full:true”]
Received my unit today. Having fun but a bug has shown up. When the ball reaches the outermost ring, it starts just going around and around, no more drawing.

Update: and now it’s not drawing the designs. Tried to add video or photo, but doesn’t accept my format. Drat

I had a similar issue. Drew the Rose pattern, but then would not go back inside a certain radius. Tried a different pattern and once it got to the outside edge, it stayed and just went circles around the edge. Unplugged it and now it’s working but we’ll have to see if it sticks on the outside again.

I am also seeing this issue. About 1 of 3 artworks turn out to be a stuck ball going in circles at the edge. In the app it appears as if it is actually following the artwork.
I have had the same artwork succeed and fail, so it does not seem to be a borken art work. Is this a known issue?

Same for me; experienced this with the outside-in spiral clear: it just makes a big track on the outside and never moves inward
if I however interrupt and then continue the drawing the ball will move to the place it was SUPPOSED to be at that time and continue normal.
Drawing inside-out spiral also works fine, so not sure what the issue is that’s causing it

I did find this btw:

not done that yet or contacted support first since it’s not something that happens continuously

I have same problem and figured that there is a damage on the rotating band of the magnet under the canvas.
It forces the wrong movement. I will try to upload short video where y’all can see the ball having trouble moving on an outside quadrant. Same for spiral in/out than out/in in same spot

I noticed the same problem. Most paterns work. But especially the spiral out to in gives this problem.
The ball stays on the outside ring all the time. In the app it shows the ball completing the pattern. When app says it’s finished it goes on to the next pattern. The ball goes to the middle, and the pattern starts normally. So it seems more like a software problem, than a hardware thing. No need to reset the magnet. But would like to know if everyone has the same problem? And if there is an update or another fix for this. Noticed with a Bly running in to out circle pattern, eventually too much sand goes to the outer ring. Would love to be able to run out to in circle pattern once in a while to destribute the sand back to the middle.

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