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Kinetic Oasis

A place to discuss Oasis Mini and all things Kinetic Art!

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Hey everyone! I am a middle school math and technology teacher and I am so excited to get our Oasis Mini and have our kids test it out in our makerspace!

I hope this forum can be a great place to learn and share ideas!


We were really excited to pick you as a beta tester after seeing that you’re a math teacher! You might like https://sandify.org. I invited the creators to be beta testers and added them to the forum as well.

That website allows you to use a lot of different trig functions. In general, it has a lot of tools for generating advanced geometry, and I’ve spent many hours there making different patterns.


Hello Everyone! I’m a creator, an engineer, a designer and a Kickstarter fan! Let’s test this thing and get the Oasis Mini out in to the wild for everyone to enjoy!

Jim. aka: Puzzometry


Hi Team,
I’m a Sr. Director of Digital Experience and Marketing Technologies at a $1.3Billion Smart Home company. I’m also an Optical Engineer and an Actuary. I look forward to and am humbled by you selecting me to be a beta tester!


Greetings All! Looking forward to some calming Oasis Mini action in the near future. I’d been thinking of building a DIY sandtable, but after building a few 3D Printers and a CNC machine, when I saw the Oasis Mini, I realized I couldn’t top it!


Hello everyone! I’m looking forward to trying the Oasis out and making sure sandify.org works well with it.


Hello all, I have a question that I am hoping someone can answer. I purchased an Oasis Mini earlier after seeing them for a while and wanting one. The ones I had seen were from different brands and were 10x the price. After thinking about it I am not sure that I bought a “legit” one. It was on sale for $69.99 from $119.99 and was from an ad on TikTok that took me to a Shop store. The name is “sandarts” and the product is “Oasis Mini” from “Kinetic Oasis LLC”. Below is the link for the product. Does anyone know if this is a scam?

(moderator removed link as to not promote scam)

Thank you!!

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That is a scam. Try to file a chargeback immediately. We’ve been working to have it removed, but Shopify is being slow this time.


Super excited to have you here, Jeff, and appreciate everything you’ve done with Sandify. We’re going to make some tutorials for a lot of the basic functions that we’ll put in a knowledge center (which we’re also building now).


Hey all,

My name is Chris and I am a IT Analyst for a local government with about 20+ years of arcade game repair/maintenance. Excited to be here and excited to see this company flourish!


Hello All! Retired Air Traffic Controller(lots more to that). Currently have a woodworking and metal fabrication business. CNC, mills, lathes and routers. Also have a 150W dual head CO2 laser capable up 60in wide. Use fiber lasers to engrave metals, mostly corporate swag but on a more specialized note, I engrave firearms.
If it’s not fun, I don’t do it!! Looking forward to testing the limits of the Oasis. Question for mods, is the unit we receive going to be the one we paid for? I do not want to open it up and start poking around and accidentally doing damage.


Wow, a techie actuary! Haven’t run into an actuary in years! Worked with a group of actuaries in a former life developing online and voice response applications for pension, insurance and savings plan operations for a Fortune 200 employer. I feel fortunate to have spent almost 50 years working in IT. It’s been an incredible ride. Remember data cards?


I’m jealous of your 150W CO2 laser. We had a similar power CO2 laser and a waterjet and an old job, and they were a lot of fun. Waterjet could get through 1" thick granite.

The beta units are totally separate from your actual order and don’t count against it. You’ll also get your normal order. The beta units will have a few differences; the boxes won’t have artwork and some of the shells won’t have the matte texture, but otherwise, they’ll be the same.


Hi all! While I’m not a material testing engineer myself, I have spent decades working for a material test equipment company as an application engineer. I look forward to some hands-on time with Oasis Mini, having sponsored a previous sand art project whose quality control and customer service responsiveness was, to put it politely, lacking.

I’m excited to compare and contrast not just the product, but the overall experience as well. Lots of ideas for the app, too!


Looking forward to hearing your ideas! The first version of the app is mostly the core features, and our hope is that it has “good bones”, and we can keep building on top of it.


I have a stack of data punch cards. I even have ones with microfiche embedded. I’ll find them and post a photo!


Hi everyone! Staff engineer at a medical robotics company + potter here. Can’t wait to clog this thing up with some clay (kidding!) Really excited to make my own vectors and explore efficient workflows from like .jpg to oasis!


Hi everyone I am a systems engineer with a focus on integration and test. My day to day job is to test the integration of software and hardware against the requirements. I love to find all the corner cases and the things the user “shouldn’t” do. Can’t wait to get my hands on the Oasis Mini and start putting it through its paces.


Hi All! Instructional designer here. If you don’t know what that is, just think of the yearly computer based training you have to sleep… errr I mean sit… through about not sharing your passwords… I build those :joy:. Inside and outside of work, I do a lot of digital designing. I am also a maker of things and conquerer of “lost arts” like upholstery and blacksmithing.