Taking way too much time with minimal results

This device is a neat idea and for the 20 minutes or so it worked it was great, but I question if it’s ready for the marketplace. Maybe I just got a lemon, but I have had to reboot it several times, reconnect it to my home network many times and had the ball stuck on the outside of the sand or just circle around the middle more often than not. At this point, I’m ready to give up and just put the darn thing back in the box.

I upgraded the firmware yesterday. I had to plug it into my computer and do it via USB since it kept losing network connection. I’ve done the 25 second reboot (many times). Everything looks good to go and I select a pattern and then the result is usually a cryptic message on the app saying “Your Oasis Mini is busy. Please wait” while I hear the gears start, lights spin and… nothing.

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Mine worked great for a week or two but recently has started to fall it stop mid-track, or after a couple tracks in a series. Once it does, the only fix is to restart the device. I’m hoping it’s just an issue with the latest firmware and the next update will fix it.

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I’ve restarted it so, so many times which is no fun since then I essentially have to set it up as a new device each time by connecting it to wifi again. Like I said, way too much effort and stress for something that is supposed to be easy and relaxing.

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I can imagine working through all of those resets and getting stuck on the app would be frustrating. That’s certainly not the experience we’re going for, and I appreciate all of the troubleshooting you’ve done so far. If you haven’t already, please open a support ticket via https://support.grounded.so, and we can better help with this. I’m about to go through today’s new tickets. Same goes for @Knightmare

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Will do. Thanks for checking on these messages and working to find a fix.

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