Will Oasis Still Work Without WiFi?

I had asked this question a while back, and the answer was that the Oasis would work without Wifi, just wanted to check if anything has changed.

My work has strict wifi protection and I don’t believe the Oasis will connect. Is it still possible to use it if only my phone can connect to wifi?


Where did you ask? That shouldn’t have been the answer, as Oasis Mini does need a wifi connection to queue up patterns. If you connect, send a pattern, and disconnect, then it can run on internal memory for a while.

We investigated using Bluetooth, but the data transfer speeds are pretty poor, and it has a bunch of other issues compared to wifi.

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I originally asked on the FB group on June 16th. After looking back at the post, I didnt correctly remember the answer given.

"The current plan is that this will be a wifi device. I do believe the board we’re using has the ability to create its own network for you to connect to without an external network, but I’m not certain, and I can’t promise that we’ll be able to implement it. The thinking was moreso that it would communicate with your phone over your home or work network. "

Is this still the case?

That is accurate, but the device creates a network for the purpose of helping you connect it to your wifi network. You do need a wifi network for it to work.

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Ok perfect. Thanks
Sorry for the confusion.

This is definitely a bummer. I ordered the Oasis for my desk at work and now it’s a lighted paperweight. Same here, as most work environments, the network is secure so I can’t connect it to the work wifi. It doesn’t work with a cell hot spot and I don’t think I can use it connected via USB either. Bluetooth, even if slow, would have been nice to have as an option. Now, rather, than being slow to start, it does nothing.


It does work with a Hotspot as that’s what I use. It can be tricky, but it works.

I got it to work with my phone as a hotpsot but i needed two phones because you can’t communicate between the phone creating the hotspot “on the same network.” I can’t leave it on all the time. That means setting the hotspot up every time I want to change the design. If you have the “swirl in out” function on, it will swirl in out after it finishes a design… so I come back to a swirl every time I return to my office. Pausing is the same, have to reconnect everything to resume. It only saves one design at a time except for running the swirl after. I did order a dedicated hotspot but that means paying 10$ a month just to run this on my desk.

Are you using Ios or Android? I’m using Android so maybe it’s different but I haven’t had a need for two phones.

I’ve found that if it disconnects and won’t reconnect, I can delete the oasis, turn on wifi and connect to the OM, once it connects, add the new device (OM), while the hotspot is on. After that, it should disconnect from Wifi on its own and will open a screen where you can find your Hotspot.

I set up a routine on my phone where it automatically turns on my hotspot when I pull into work, and it usually fires up every time without issue.

I was e-mailing them last night and am posting this to be more transparent for everyone reading this.

You can do the hotspot trick, to get it setup and get designs on it. After that, you can turn off the hotspot and the Oasis will run for a while. Sometimes it’ll run for a few hours offline. Sometimes it’ll run overnight offline. At some point, it will just stop. They say this is fully intended and that it is meant to be kept on the wifi.

Like many others on here, I have it at work and the internet (even the open internet), is locked down so you can’t do P2P connects (your phone to the Oasis). Basically, if you bring this to work, you are going to have a paperweight. Per the e-mail I got last night, it has an internal memory for the designs, but after a while it will completely just stop offline.

For reference, I have 4 things in my playlist. It is set to infinite loop. One day it’ll loop overnight and throughout the day. Another day it’ll do it for a few hours. All of this is 100% offline, after using the hotspot to send patterns to it.

I’m not certain this is completely accurate. Mine will keep working without issue so long as the Hotspot is connected. If I disconnect the hot spot, it stops working a starts spinning blue.

Correct. If you still have the hotspot, it’ll be fine. But if I get up and go elsewhere for a meeting, sometimes it’ll be wiped when I come back. Or if I come back the next day, it’ll be stopped mid design.

If you look back at some of the earlier comments from March/April, the developer comments essentially said you could have it run offline and online was only needed for adding patterns. Now they are saying that internet/wifi is needed to keep it running.

At work my option is to come in every morning and reconnect the Oasis to my hotspot (like today, I had to do a full setup, since it lost connection overnight and wiped itself and was blinking blue this morning) or take it home.

I hear what you’re saying, but that’s not the case (for me anyway).
I started a pattern, left for lunch a few miles away, came back and the pattern is still going. At no point did I have to do anything to the OM.

I’ve asked this I’m my own post, but still haven’t gotten an answer. Maybe some of you know or can test it.

If we do setup with a hot spot or another network (say a home network) will it continue to run if connected to a network with client isolation turned on?
Basically do we know if it get patterns and such from the phone peer to peer, or does it get them from a server over the internet?

This is a huge issue as I just moved my Oasis to my office, which is why I purchased it to begin with. Since the wifi at my work requires you to enter a username and then password, there’s no way to gain access to the wifi and get the Oasis to work. So…a glorified paperweight it is!


I have the same wifi situation. As stated above, works fine with a Hotspot.

Just to make sure I wasn’t crazy, I ran a test. Before I left work on Wednesday afternoon, I unplugged the OM. I came back to work Today (Monday morning), confirmed hotspot was on, plugged in the OM and it started up within a few seconds. No reconnecting or anything.

it DOES work with hotspot even AFTER disconnecting

What we are saying are two different things. You are turning yours off when you are leaving it / going home. Leave it on over the weekend and then report back with what happens Monday. Per the developers, it has an internal memory and after running offline for a while, it’ll stop working.

I am leaving mine running 24/7 since I am constantly bouncing back between work locations and meetings in other buildings.

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Is yours doing the entire playlist?
I just got mine running on my phones hotspot then turn off the hotspot after starting a playlist. It only runs that current pattern then gives an Error 10 'Error while downloading a pattern. Power cycle the device."
Is there some way to get it to download the entire playlist?
Does it just need internet access or peer-to-peer connection to download patterns?
Would also love an auto sleep/wake setting.

It does the entire list so long as it’s connected to a hotspot. I believe it downloads one pattern at a time and stores it.

If you quickly press the button, it will put the OM to sleep.