What fixes and avoids the red-light error for me

We just got our Oasis Mini and it’s hypnotic to watch, but seems to be a little flakey. We’ve had the red-light error multiple times, usually when it’s trying to centre itself, but I’ve found the following fixes things:

  • Remove the glass lid
  • Remove the ballbearing
  • Level the sand using the comb, especially in the middle
  • Press the reset button once (or cycle the power)
  • After a minute, put the ballbearing and cover back

That is if we get the red-light. What we’ve also discovered is that if we use the tight spiral pattern to clear the sand it doesn’t seem to happen (touch wood, it hasn’t re-occurred so far since).

The impression I get is that if it ends up with sand in the middle that is too deep, it may lack the torque it needs to centre the ballbearing. I don’t know if this is actually the issue, it just seems like the situation whenever it happens and the fix + the pattern to avoid it would fit in with the theory.

Anyway, thought I’d share in case anyone else is having the issue.

Other than that it’s working great and is nice to watch when it works as intended.

I think this is more likely to be related to the issue we’re seeing where some tanks have a misapplied grease that causes too much friction against the magnet. We have a quick (but still fairly robust) fix for this here. We can also send out replacement tanks if you contact our team via https://support.grounded.so/

Yeah, I saw that and will give it a try. Just thought I’d share in case anyone else just wants to see the pretty patterns right out of the box. We haven’t tried the 2nd unit yet to see if it has the same issue.

Other than that it’s working great and is lovely to watch - my wife loves her birthday present :smiley: