Oasis will not connect after new update

Since the update pushed today, my Mini Oasis will not connect to Wifi, it says “invalid wifi password” when I know this is correct for my network. This has turned my device into a brick, Please advise.

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@Jenna_Berger Please follow the steps below:

  • Press the button on the back for 3 seconds. The Oasis Mini will go back to connecting mode (blue blinking LEDS)
  • Open you app and click on “Add New Device”
  • Setup the network again.

Let me know if that solves the issue

Now I get “something went wrong The oasis has successfully connected to the WiFi but is not accessible. Ensure you cell phone is on the same wifi then try reconnecting using the button below”

They are both on the same network.

When I “try reconnect” it says the same thing.

I tried fully restarting the system as well. It will not connect under old connection nor will it update to allow for a new connection.

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I’m having the same issue. It won’t connect to the app. Even when I do a 3 second restart, remove and reinstall the app, it won’t connect. Very disappointing and frustrating. One would think connectivity bugs would have been worked out by now.

Please help!


I’m having the exact same issue today. Pretty lightbox.

Please follow the steps below:

  • Press the button on the back for 3 seconds. The Oasis Mini will go back to connecting mode (blue blinking LEDS)

  • Open you app and click on “Add New Device”

  • Setup the network again.

If this doesn’t solve your issue, please open a ticket on https://support.grounded.so/hc/en-us/requests/new

If ya all figure this out LMK. I’m running into this as well.

I figured this out. I had to split my WiFi and turn off the “smart” feature that self-designates the WiFi as 2.4 or 5 GHz.

Should be a router setting. If possible, name the connections differently, helps a lot.

There are like 4 other articles on here suggesting this as a solution. Will add a better description of what I did after work, if y’all need.


Found out my issue. I connected it to a “bad” wifi. and even holding the reset button it will still reconnect to said wifi. I had to get a hotspot. walk away from the “bad” wifi and then it would connect right away.

My thinking is no matter if you do a “network” reset. it doesn’t really reset it. it just puts it in a pair mode where it still connects to the other wifi. (reason why you connect and disconnect right away) The reset really needs to wipe out all wifi settings inside the oasis.

Bad Wifi = Work wifi where it needs a webpage to access internet. I did try and connect to this today. then these errors. so hotspot and walk away from the signal at work!

I think mine is having the same issue. Where it is, there are many WiFi networks available and I’m not able to ever see it with the app. If it did try to automatically connect to one of the open, but protected networks, was there ever a way to get it to not do that?

How do I get to pick what network the Oasis jumps on?