Nothing about this thing is working

It would not work on the network I tried it on last night and now I can’t get it to recognize another Network. I am extremely disappointed and have gotten no answers to my emails.


I’m getting this too. It was working just fine then I guess the app updated and now it does not do anything. I reset it, connect it to wifi again and the ball centers and then stays. I get the message “Oasis is busy” and stays like that until I reset it again. Was working fine, although clunky app. Now I cannot even delete the tracks, I’m getting an error deleting track message.

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Hi All,

The support team will be happy to help. Please open a ticket and they will get back to you asap.

Thank you

Okay I have opened a ticket. Hope I hear from someone

I’m having the same issue

If anyone gets resolution to their support tickets, it would be extremely helpful if some of that gets posted here.