Mobile Hotspot from phone operating Mini

I brought my Oasis Mini to work and we do not have an open WIFI at work. I have Mobile Hotspot on my phone that I plan on using to operate the Mini. Is it possible to connect the Mini to my phones hotspot and use it?

I have the same issue. From what i saw on another post, it’s not possible :(.

I did find a work around… but it’s ridiculous. I’ll see how well it works today. You need two phones. The first phone creates the hotspot. The second phone then connects to the hotspot and then you connect the mini to the phone that is connected to your hotspot. I’m not sure yet if the entire playlist uploads to the mini so it can at least play through once the wifi connection closes. So far, I know you can’t have the pause function on because you’d have to be on the hotspot network to start it back up.

They say Bluetooth is “not stable”, but would be a lot easier to use when needed. I can turn on my hotspot to update machine if needed and then use Bluetooth to operate the patterns. Definitely has some improvements needed to operate smoothly.

Agreed. The app needs some work. It’s missing basic things with little direction. This forum is getting cluttered with questions abotu basic functionality because things aren’t clear.

With the mobile hotspot, it seems it will run the current design and then run the “spiral in out pattern”, if you have that option selected. This basically means, you set it up, leave, and return and you missed the design you selected and your are left with the spiral again. You have to reconnect everything again to get the next pattern. In my case, to reconnect everyhting again through the hotspot meant i had to reboot the device and add it all over again to the app. I am not sure why it would not see the network. I ordered a separate hotspot that I can run full time in my office. Hopefully that will work.