Hourglass Icon Timeframe

Does anyone know the time frame of the hourglass? I know that icon means it pauses in between deigns, but it seems to either 1) not work and it just indefinitely pauses or 2) its paused for a long period of time, like a hour+

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@Kdowling there is no time set. You need to press play again to start the new pattern.

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oh ok, so its not a pause (I thought I was told that) Its more of a stop…Wish they gave a icon guide in the instructions. Ive had issues with the swirly one too

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The spiral will add the clean spiral pattern between tracks. It will physically add it to your playlist.

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yes, thank you…I couldnt get it to work for the longest time, until someone suggested to clear your design list and redo it, then it decided to work.

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