How long is the pause time?

How long is the pause time between patterns when the pause icon is enabled?

I’m at 30+ minutes now and it hasn’t moved on to the clean spiral or next pattern


@Jo060 You need to press play again after the pause. In case the pause icon is enabled.
Thank you

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OK got it. I thought it paused for a certain amount of time before starting the next pattern.

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That is a feature I asked for previously and would love to see implemented! Pause for a certain time or indefinitely. Would be great to have time to enjoy the design but then not have to eventually tell it to move to the next one.


I’ve also noticed that the cleaning option rarely works.

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@Jo060 Cleaning option will add cleaning pattern when you Add new pattern. If the pattern is already on your playlist will not add

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It’s not in my Playlist

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Any ideas? Anyone else having this issue that you’ve heard of?

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@Jo060 My apologies, maybe I did not explain well.

If you activate the Cleaning Pattern button, the app will not add a cleaning pattern to your active playlist.

The app will only add the Cleaning Pattern once you add a new pattern to the playlist.

Let me know if it is working

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I don’t have a cleaning pattern in my list but I do have the cleaning pattern button enabled.

With the button enabled should it clean after each pattern?

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@Jo060 No, it will not

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I guess I still don’t understand. The settings option says “clean between tracks”. When enabled, it does not clean. I have confirmed I don’t have the cleaning track in my play list.

Might just be easer to add a spiral pattern after every other pattern.


@Jo060 Se the option “clean between tracks” and add any pattern

You will see that a clean pattern will be added before the selected pattern


Got it. Thanks for the help.