Having trouble with the pause and autoclean features

Mine does not autoclean. It goes directly from one pattern into the next, and the sand gets so cluttered that you can’t identify one track from the next.

When I tried a 5 minute pause in between patterns, the oasis stopped after drawing a track and did not draw again. I had to manually choose another track.


Same here! ioS app if it makes any difference.

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Same here. Something is bugging out. Not sure which update caused it. I’ll play one track and it stops after. If I manually advance it to the next track, it acts like it’s a new playlist and starts downloading the tracks again. Can’t seem to get more than one to play in a row, right now

YES. I didn’t realize that it’s also redownloading each track when I advance it manually. The tracks aren’t new, they’re already in my playlist.

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@JuniorVeloso Would you be able to take a look at this? The latest update seems to have fixed my connection issues, but now is acting like each track in a playlist is brand new. It’ll be on the internet, do a design, then completely stop. I go on the app and it has stopped the playlist. I click the next button and then it has to redownload the playlist.

Android, App version

I can’t get playlists to work - same problem. It will do the first one in the playlist, then it shows the image/name for the next one, but it never progresses. It doesn’t do an auto-clean.

What type of pattern is the auto-clean supposed to be, anyway? Spiral in-out?

(Until they fix the pause/auto-clean I’m thinking I can always stick the cleaning pattern in between each item and manually advance. Sucks, but…)


Same for me. I came here to see if i was the only one have issues. Hopefully its a bug that will get updated.

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Same. I set a 5 minute wait and tried auto clean on and off, and after every pattern, I have to go hit play to move to the next pattern. And I have yet to see auto-clean do anything


It would be nice if we could define multiple tracks to be cleaning tracks. The ones that spiral in and out, and then the straight lines that cover the entire surface, etc.

Then when you have the setting for a cleaning track between the patterns, it would cycle through the cleaning tracks you have defined.

Right now it seems like when I build the playlist it will insert the same cleaning track between each track. You can manually go through and adjust this, but it would be nice to have better control of the cleaning track options.

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For the one I have working (the other one is completely dead with no power). I created my play list. Then I set the setting for no pause in between designs. Then I set the setting for auto-cleaning. Then when I added my actual playlist (using the play button on the list) It automatically added the cleaning spiral between each one. I did not have to do it.

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Same here cant get auto clean to work