Auto resume feature

Doesn’t seem that my device is resuming the patterns after I have it set for a delay/pause of 30 minutes. Am I missing something?

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@OasisJim Please double-check. Our team tested this feature.

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Yes I checked and it just stops after each pattern until I manually start it

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I’ve got the same situation here. 30 minutes is selected but it still will not continue to the next pattern without me manually pressing play.

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I experienced the same issue had 30 minute pause, but never continued to the next pattern until I hit play.

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I had the same issue trying to use the 5 minute option. It pauses after the pattern finishes, but won’t start the next pattern until I click play in the app.

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@OasisJim Please put your speed at the maximum, maybe the next pattern is super slow and you can’t see it starting.

I will as the team to double check this feature

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I have left it for a day or more and there is no movement after any pattern or after any time delay setting.

Right now it has been stopped for at least 4 hours after finishing a pattern with the ball stopped at the outside edge. I just installed an update today and I have also reset the device.

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Same issue here - updated app and FW and patterns stay stuck after drawing and do not move onto next. iOS app.

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Our team has been trying to replicate this issue without success.

Can you guys share the exact steps you did? Please also share your Menu screenshot and track list.

Thank you so much

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Without explanation the process seems to be working now. I tested it again and it jumped back to life at 30 minutes.

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@OasisJim Thank you for sharing the screenshots. They helped us identify the issue.

The problem occurs when a time-based “Wait After” and pattern downloading happen simultaneously.

Once the download completes, the system cancels the time-based wait and remains in regular pause. This has been fixed and will be included in the next version release.

We appreciate everyone who raised this issue and provided information about it.


Next version of the app? When will this be released? Or do you mean Oasis Mini firmware and if so when would that be released and can it be updated using the app?

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Hey, I’m still having this issue, when will the update be available?
This totally breaks the experience and makes it super annoying to use.
I don’t want to have to manually download every pattern I add

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There was an update today to the Android app and I still have the issue as of the update. : (

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Just here to say I’m on the android app and experiencing the same thing. I’m on the same network as the device, and it finishes the current design. But then I have to press play to advance it through the playlist. It won’t auto-advance.

Still same issue with me: I have left the oasis is to just draw continuously with no pauses. Any pause makes the oasis just sit there after drawing a pattern.

Despite the “auto clean” setting on it never does clean between patterns either.

Todays Date: Aug 10, 2024

Device software version 0.73
iOS app version 1.10

Same issue. None of the “pause for x minutes” options work without manually advancing to the next pattern on either of my Oasis Minis.

I’m having this same issue since I got mine. Still happening as of today on android. Sometimes it will resume the first pattern in my Playlist then will pause after the auto clean and never resume.