Suggestion: button to force Oasis to center itself

We all know it sometimes drifts off center and goes on to ruin the next pattern. But I can’t always get it to recenter itself by starting a new pattern fresh. Please make a button that forces a recentering.


It’s not a dedicated recenter button, but I’ve found doing a tiny squiggle (doesn’t even have to be an inch) with the control button will force a recenter when you back out. No need to save it

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Yeah, I’ve been doing that when I can, but the line drawing feature doesn’t always work for me. Half the time it fails to load.

There is apparently an update coming within a week to fix the drifting issue. That issues itself is apparently from a bug in the last update, not with the units themselves. There is another thread about it here.

You can force a re-center by unplugging it for like 30 seconds and plugging it back in

Best would be an option in the app to activate or deactivate an automatic re-center before every new pattern and/or before every erase pattern. An additional choice would be a firmware adding a command for re-center activated by by a code, best placed at the beginning of a pattern file.
My mini looses position every 3-5 patterns. I do not want to reset something manually which could be done by program. That is not ok. It should simply work.

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THIS! Every update I see people saying they’ve fixed the drift, but mine still ends up off center every few patterns. I want an automatic recenter between patterns.

Ok, for everyone to know, here is my support request about the recenter issue:

I do not know if it is mechanical or programming or whatever. Therefore it is an all other issue for me.

After ~90% of the patterns my Mini has lost the center position. If there is an erase spiral afterwards it starts outside the centerposition, an inner circle remains unerased and also unused by following patterns. If I wait for following patterns the unused inner circle increases and after a (short) while the ball is left circling on the outmost track and that is it. I hope it is a programming problem which could be changed after sending out the units.

the team should find out asap why the Mini looses the center position. Beside that it would be great for the app to have

  • a switch to initiate a recenter manually

  • a switch to activate/deactivate an automatic recenter before every pattern or before every erase.

Additionally there is the problem of the mini being confused easily when switching to another pattern while doing one. Very often I when I switch to another it still does the first one. No new data is transferred, the painting continues as if nothing has happened. But the app shows the new pattern and virtual shows the progress of the new pattern as if it would be done really while still painting the former one. If that happens I have 95% chance for the need to switch of the Mini for a clean restart.

It would be nice if it would work without loosing the center and without the phone being present, just the wifi connection. I am going somewhere else often during the day, taking my phone with me. May be it is possible to return and the Mini has just continued doing the patterns without manual intervention. This should be an object of art and not of care…

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