Info on the purpose of the different sized balls and gray sand

I got my Oasis Mini today and love it! Quick question, though: What is the purpose of the small, medium, and large balls? I can see that they produce different outputs, but what is the purpose of them so I have a reason other than “they look different”?

Also, I had a packet of white sand in my box, but I also received a packet of gray sand. What is the difference in that, or is it just gray?

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These are the stretch goals! As you suspected, the different ball sizes do show different resolutions on the patterns. You can pick whichever one you like the most or swap them out and experiment.

The silver material is more of a glitter than a sand. It sparkles and reacts to light differently from the default sand. Also a choose your own adventure kind of situation.


For us early people who recieved the oasis in April. Who do we email to recieve our stretch goals??


Ah, that’s on me. I should have checked the kickstarter page. Thanks for the response! I’m loving the Oasis Mini!


All I hear was balls and sand…
Now I’m back active in the forums again! :slight_smile:


I’m assuming you can just add the glitter sand to the existing sand in it? Or do you have to have one or the other? I don’t want to end up having too much sand.

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Most people use one or the other, but there’s no harm in mixing them. If you do mix them, I’d use half of each so you don’t end up with too much sand. The right amount of media overall is about 5 Teaspoons.

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@zach makes a great point here and likely leads to wildly different outcomes.

I mixed 1/2 bag of glitter with a full bag of stock substrate (sand).

Perhaps that puts too much stress on the device resulting in no noticeable different in noise levels.?

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I added the entirety of both bags, and it’s working awesome!