Firmware/App Updates

Is there a place to see a list of fixes/changes with each update?


Where is the tutorial on how to add patterns?? Im tech savvy and I tried everything from my phone. Adding photos, taking photos, drawing a letter in a piece of paper and taking a picture. I’m out of ideas lol

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It’s coming! Those take some time to put together. Are you trying to add patterns through The SVG requirements are pretty specific. The .thr are more forgiving and can be made through!

Like I said, we’ll have tutorials up soon though.

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Not currently! I’ll ask the devs about making a public changelog.


Yes. I was on that site that you posted in the other thread. I had no idea what I was doing lol. I’ll wait for the tutorial no biggie. Was just bored at work and messing around. I have a feeling I’m going to have to count on others lol

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