Cannot connect to Wi-Fi and can't install firmware

Hello, I just received my Oasis Mini today and I was excited to get it set up and going, however I’m unable to connect to my wi-fi and figured it was a firmware issue so i tried to download that as well and it keeps saying that it’s unable to create a file so I can’t even update the firmware for it because my laptop can’t communicate with the Oasis Mini… has anyone else ran into this issue? if so how were you able to fix this?? right now it kind of sucks havin an expensive paperweight

Are you making sure you are connecting to a 2.4 GHz Wifi?

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I was able to create a separate SSID to have a 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz network… still tried logging in under the 2.4 Ghz and still nothing… I’m making sure I’m connected to the 2.4 Ghz on my phone… when I click add device it says “Oasis Mini wants to join “OasisMini” network”" then it asks me to log in again to the network and it just keeps saying Unable to locate the selected Wi-fi network

Have you tried 20Mhz channel bandwidth on the 2.4Ghz network?

where can I find that setting? I’m using Google Fiber and their router

Early research says they might not allow you to make that channel bandwidth change. You may have to connect a 3rd party WiFi router off the Google gear to have that flexibility for WiFi config. I primarily use ASUS routers on my connections at 3 sites.

starting to wish I never bought this thing… uggghhh… is there a way to see what Mhz my 2.4Ghz Wi-fi is operating at?

What devices do you have available to test? Some may require 3rd party software to view

I have my Xbox connected to the 5G network… my iphone can connect to either network… so can my Xbox… my laptop can connect to either network… basically everything can connect to either network but when I try to connect to the 2.4G network in the Oasis app, for some reason it can’t be found… makes no sense

Sometimes issues like this are device bug password/special character issue as well. A password combo that hasn’t been tested with the device.

Never hurts for safe measure to reboot/power cycle your router but likely not a fix.

Are you on latest version of App? There was one released in last 24 hours.

Mac or Windows on laptop?

On a Mac holding the OPTION key down while you select your 2.4 network should show the channel bandwidth.

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I tried restarting the router after changing the settings and still no luck… it is connecting to the app, just can’t get the network to connect… I’m on a windows laptop… before I did anything today I updated the all so that should be good as well… my password is only letters and numbers, no special characters…

Something like this on your Windows laptop should show you channel bandwidth. I didn’t test but minimal eval might show enough info

Dumb I know - Have you tried clearing the cache for the Oasis Mini app?

The new update has made mine unusable

I know this isn’t the remote solution everyone is looking for but will report back if someone hasn’t already to see if VPN to remote site with unit will work

Same problem, and and then it eventually just started working. So weird.

well… I was able to talk to support yesterday and it seemd the big problem was I had one tok many characters in my wifi network name so it wasn’t able to connect… kind of funny… it is working now and I’m enjoying it very much! thank you everyone for the input and responses!