Feature request: auto-centre and pause options

I’ve had my Oasis Mini for a couple of days now, and have been very impressed.

There are a couple of suggestions that I’d like to make though.

Firstly, could we have an option to not auto-centre on startup? If I’ve drawn something cool and then powered the Oasis off, it would be ideal if I could power it on again later and it keeps that pattern, with the lights cycling, instead of pulling the ball back to centre every time.

Also, regarding the lights, I’ve noticed on some patterns, especially Rainbow, it’s quite clear where the light strip starts and ends (if the grey “bulge” of the Oasis is at 12:00, then the lights start somewhere between 1:00 and 2:00) as the colour cycle isn’t designed to fit within the number of lights. It looks like if there were perhaps 10 more LED’s then the cycle would continuously go around instead of there being an obvious colour change.

Finally, I like the fact that a playlist can wait for me to trigger the next pattern, or pause after each pattern for some time, but it would be great to have an option to play two patterns at a time, then pause or wait. This means that I can have a playlist that will play a cleaning spiral immediately followed by a pattern, and then wait. When it advances next, it plays another cleaning spiral and draws something else, then pauses again etc.

I actually would second the ability to choose when to do a center, especially like a set button to do so. It helps me fix the issue where it avoids the middle, but I have to constantly restart patterns for it to eventually choose to center itself

The option for playing like a cleaning spiral and automatically drawing the next pattern before stopping would be wonderful, too. I regularly go to bed to the soft hum of it going to wake up to a pattern. My morning routine has me out the door before I can do a cleaning spiral and start another pattern to see when I get home

I would like a auto on/off time

As of now I have it on a amart plug But every morning i must open the app and restart a design
Auto on/off time with automatic start

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