Playlist selection doesn't work?

I am befuddled at the UI for selecting playlists. I managed to create a custom playlist, but when I wish to switch to another, it appears absolutely nothing happens.

I go to “Add Track” (which in and of itself makes no sense as a top level choice, should be “Playlists” with Track management underneath) and select a playlist under Playlists at top (also: color coding is unclear…is white back/black text selected? Or black with white text? At least outline or otherwise indicate selections) I click one and it loads tracks into the bottom part of the screen…and then what? if I go back to the “playing” screen, nothing has changed, and there seems to be no way to affirmatively select the new playlist and tell the system “Please replace my existing list with this one”…there’s no “save” or “go” at all that I see.

I love the physical object, but there is serious work needed on the app.

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@JuniorVeloso any idea here as a few threads have shown up on this exact topic.

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@griffey @ronzawora My apologies for taking so long to reply.
The replace the entire playlist is on our backlog and I hope we can release it soon.
Right now, you can create the playlist but to change the tracklist you are playing, you still need to add one by one.
The existing playlist today is to save and organize the tracks you like…
Thank you

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