How to power off?

How can I power off the unit for the night? Thought the button on the back would do it but it just sent it to setup mode instead.

Second question - what can the button be used for?


We don’t have a power button, but we’re investigating adding one into the app. Removing the cable is the easiest way for now. You can also fully disable the LEDs through the app.

That button is a reset, and it has a bunch of different features depending on how long you press it for.


Is there a power off led button? The only way I could get the leds to power off was to set it to single color and then the brightness down.

Can we get a list of what the reset button does?

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Not yet, but that seems like a good button to have on that page.

Yeah, I’ll make a help center article with the various reset button functions. You shouldn’t need any of them though if things are working smoothly.

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Good call. It would be nice to be able to turn it off at night and not have to unplug it. Ooooh, what about having a preset schedule in the app? Like you want it to be on Mon.-Fri. during business hours? I had planned to have this at my office and don’t want to have this on 24/7 and unplugging it every day seems as thought it could be come cumbersome but also leaving it on 24/7 is a good way to burn it out quickly.


I agree with @tvhenson on all counts. Should be turned off, a way to turn off, a way to sleep…any of these options in the app would be helpful.


Agreed, we’re working on implementing a sleep mode in the app.


I came here wondering the same thing. An option to power off from the reset button and app would be greatly appreciated.

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What do you think about using a power supply with a built in on and off switch, for example one from a raspberry pi , since it’s lower power I wonder if this would work.

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There are also USB C cable extenders that you can buy that have a little power switch embedded. We do have a power button feature on the list for an upcoming app update.


I bought one and I’ll will assume it doesn’t have enough power going through it . Since installing the usb extension. Oasis will power up like normal but it just won’t connect. I’ve tried all the resets and nothing still . So today I decided to run it back to normal without the usb extension and it’s back to working normal .

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Yeah, sounds like a cable without enough power. The cable and power brick that comes with Oasis Mini are both selected to deliver enough power, but we can’t guarantee that with 3rd party cables or power bricks.

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We’ll purchase a few for testing and find one that we can recommend. I’m sure you’re not the only person who will want a physical power switch.

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This one doesn’t work before anyone goes and buys it

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Strange, it really should at 5V 3A. Now I want to buy and test it to see if they’re lying about the power delivery

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