Suggestion: Scheduled Start and low power option

I Would love to see an auto start option on the pattern playlist. I have one in my office and it would be nice to set a schedule for it so that i can have it on during work hours. Also it would be nice to have an option to automatically turn off the lights while not in use without requiring the device be unplugged.


Great idea! I’d love to see an estimated time for a pattern based on speed settings. The app could then offer a start pattern at x time, or finish pattern by x time. Would be great for businesses to be able to greet guests or give other announcements. Maybe for parents to give a timer to their kids…


Yaassss! suggested both of these too as well as a phone notification “toast” when the image is done. And related to @TJ_Fitz a soft “on/off” button in the app itself instead of having to physically push the button on the Oasis (which seems to always put it into the blue pairing mode on accident)


Yes! I would definitely love an option to set a schedule for turning on/off each day, as well as a notification when a pattern is done, so I can get up to look at it or something.

I use a smart plug to turn it on and off, which would also allow you to schedule times. I can use my phone, voice, or the physical button.