More information needed about problems and solutions

In one sentence: We need more information!

You could save a lot of work if you would be more open to the people. And show it. No, you do not have to share the secrets of your company but to share the problems of everybody with everybody.
If you inform the people about the problems you already know and what you are working on and what is solved already there would be much less redundant questions and topics and being informed better would make all feel better. It’s a win-win.

I would suggest you find a very prominent place, easy visible for everyone, on this forum and post this:

  • A list of all known problems. How they can be recognízed and what their outcome is.
  • A list of all problems being worked on at this moment
  • A list of all problems already solved or being not important anymore. Including an explanation of the solution or the reason for being unimportant now.
  • A list of all updates of app and firmware including a detailed sublist of every change you made. The people want to know about the improvements. And good for you: If they know they can check and test it. If you tell them detailed what you did you will get a fast response if you succeeded or not and what could be improved still.
  • A list of improvements and features you are working on beside the problems
  • A list of all wishes you may think about some day, but not now.

All wishes for more information are welcome. Please add your ideas and suggestions here.


I would like to add this link

The idea is not new, but still no reaction.

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