Kickstarter sand and balls

Who do I email to get the Kickstarter bonuses if I was in the first group??

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Sent you a DM! (don’t want email addresses getting crawled)

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I came here to ask the same question. Have the extras been sent out yet?

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Yep, send us an email or Kickstarter DM if you haven’t gotten them.

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Sending now via KS!

Glad to hear I’m not the only one feeling left out lol! :slight_smile:

I recall something being said about this in updates, I forgot about it until now. Does everyone who did the kickstart get the bonuses?

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Just follow the path suggested and DM the owner of the OM campaign via Kickstarter. That worked for me (they acknowledged the oversight and they said they would be mailed out to me as soon as possible).

I am still waiting but understand how much work this tiny team has on their hands. I’m always patient and appreciate the honesty and transparency.

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I was in the 3000’s is there any kind of bonus? Lol i just cannot wait for mine!!! Soon??

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Yeah, they’ll be included in the box. Some of the first batch didn’t have them for timeline reasons.

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