Vector to pattern

What would be the easiest way to transform/import a vector (logo or some simple vector) to a pattern suitable for our oasis mini?

Depending on the format, you can import an SVG directly on the Oasis site. 2 other good sites are and Sisyphus for the Rest of Us

Ok, i will look into. What if i only mean to be private, for my own use… do i have to upload it on site? Anyway, thanks a lot for your answear

You still have to upload it through the site, but you can choose if you want to share it or not.

I tried to import a picture in the sisyphus provided website but only got coordinates. How do u use that then to create an image that can be imported ? Can the txt file with coordinates be then imported in our private patterns ?

I’ll have to try sysiphus out, but can you save it as a .thr file? That’s what you upload for pattern creation. I’m not sure how it works, I just know it’s technical wizardry. Though now I need to see if that can finally make my yin Yang work…

In fact it generated a thr file so it seems that it finally worked ! Thx for the info. I’ll have to import it to see how it looks as on my second try the generated previsualized version was looking like nothing :slight_smile:

i used sisyphus to transform a vector into an thr file, but when uploading to oasis site, the starting point is automatically set to center wich ruins the design. how can we set the starting and ending point to the perimeter?

What I tried today with high success is to import any thr file generated or found into sandify to be sure to have it with the suggested settings e.g polar 100mm radius and then reexported in thr file.
That was generating better starting and end points.

You should give it a try

I’m trying a ying yang later today! Will post the result ! Wish me luck

Ok big fail ! Design looks good on the app but was acting as if no lines were present and was only doing circles like the usual spiral one but extremely slow

I will say, I have issues with the sysiphus site, but Sandify is great! It takes some work to get exactly what you’re looking for, but you can specify things like start location and connection from one section to the next. There are also ‘effects’ that you can apply to the paths and one of them (fine tuning) will give you a lot of control over the design.

I saw that and played with it a lot too :slight_smile:
If you want to find some cool designs you can go on the about section of the website where they mention several GitHub repos having projects or direct design files to get that can be then imported in the design page to correct the radius or the image itself. Then you can re-export the new result and add it to ur mini to get cool new patterns

Is there some “kind of” API to directly upload a design ? This would help to generate a design and push-it.

Is there LLM (AI) based tool that convert an Image to SVG to Sand ? To my knowledge it is called “One Line Drawing” but there is no easy way unless training AI model.