This started happening to me too a few days ago. The ball either avoids the center completely and compresses the image around the area it doesn’t like or it gets lost and rambles around the center part until that part of the pattern is done and moves on to the perimeter. I’m hoping this gets fixed soon! I love this thing and have sent many of my clients over for them to get their own!
I had this issue a couple of weeks ago and a power cycle fixed it for me.
I’ve figured out a work around for mine. While it isn’t ideal, it just works better when I do this:
- Have it complete a pattern.
- Run the outside to inside spiral.
- Usually doesn’t always get the center.
- Unplug and plug it back in.
- Run the inside to outside spiral.
- Have it complete the next pattern.
This doesn’t always work, but more often than not it does.
I think this problem has something to do with the tight spiral patterns. I removed those from my playlist and it hasn’t done it again. Just a theory at this point.
For me it is just the opposite. The spirals are working fine most of the time and the problems are when doing more complex patterns. But this cannot be the solution. If I have to come back after every pattern and do such list of actions manually it is worthless for me. This is not going to calm me, oh no…
The same thing started happening to me today and I don’t know how to fix it