Can't connect at work

I received my mini as a gift. It works perfectly fine on my router at home. At work, however, I got the mini to connect to the wifi, but I can’t get my phone to connect to it. I’ve tried turning the wifi off on my phone, I’ve tried to reconnect it to the mini multiple times. I’ve reset my mini and reconnected it to the wifi, and still cannot get my phone to connect to it at work. Like I said, it works fine at home, and the mini connects to my wifi perfectly fine.

My work network has a public wifi that doesn’t require a password, so I just hit enter when the app asked me for a password.

Most likely, it’s either a 5.8GHz or combined 2.4/5.8 and the OM won’t connect to that. It needs to be 2.4 only.

@Zachary_Carr Your work network most likely has UPnP disabled, meaning peer-to-peer communication is not possible.
We are currently working on a new version of the software that will solve this by moving the communication to the internet.
Thank you

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I had the same issue where I could not connect to my office’s wifi. Turns out the name of the network was too long. My office has 2 networks - our main one and a guest one. I was on the guest one (where the name was 17 characters), and when I switched to our main one (10 characters) it connected right away. It’s so weird, but it worked. I don’t know what the character limit is, but if you have the option to change networks, you might try it.

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Junior veloso, are you brazilian?

@Roger_Moreira Yes, I am

Ah, que legal! Bom saber que tem um brasileiro ai!

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@Roger_Moreira Brigadao !!

Fala, Junior. Olha, eu já comprei areia de vocês duas vezes. Mas ela não chega pra mim. E eu também não consigo nem logar na minha conta. Entra uma confirmação da Shop alguma coisa que diz que vai mandar um email com um código e não manda. Não tenho como checar o status da entrega. Por favor, veja se vc acha esse pedido (ou pedidos) e me informe, por favor. Como vcs não entregam no Brasil eu mandei para uma caixa postal nos US, em new Castle, 15 Boulden Circle. O pedido é feito e desaparece. Não recebo um email de confirmação e não consigo me logar na conta. A não ser pra comprar…:confused: Abraço!